Best Hike at Enchanted Rock State Park

Gus and Vic Enchanted Rock Summit

Enchanted Rock State Park is fast becoming one of our favorite State Parks in Texas for multiple reasons.  

The first reason is just how centrally located it is to so many major cities in Texas and secondly, for how much fun you can have by combining multiple trails for all levels of hiking fitness.  

If you are up for a bit more of a challenge than just the Summit Climb, we highly encourage you to venture out on what we call the Epic Loop Trail and our go-to when at Enchanted Rock.  

During our first trip to Enchanted Rock, we combined the most popular trails to make a nice 4–5 mile loop that showcases the highlights of Enchanted Rock.

Enchanted Rock Epic Loop Trail

  1. Summit Trail 
  1. Echo Canyon Trail 
  1. Base Trail 
  1. Turkey Pass Trail 
  1. Frontside Trail 

Summit Trail 1.6 Miles 

The Summit Trail is the park’s highlight and, for most people, might be the only trail they actually do in the park. We recently covered the trail and gave our insights HERE. This trail is, of course, a must-do if you are visiting Enchanted Rock since it will give you the best views of the park and the surrounding Hill Country.  

This hike, while labeled as “challenging” according to the park map, we would mark as “moderate” at most. While it may take some hikers longer than others, we believe anyone can make it all the way up with enough time.  

The trail takes an estimated 0.8 miles from the trailhead to the top of the massive granite rock. 

Enchanted Rock State Park Trail Difficulty Ratings

Echo Canyon Trail .5 Miles 

The loop that we took and recommend most to follow if they are short on time but want to see the entire park is the Echo Canyon Trail.  

Now, connecting to this trail is rather tricky since it is easy to miss the connection that takes you to Echo Canyon when you descend from the Summit Trail. Keep looking for yellow arrow markings that will point you the correct way.  

You will know you are on the right trail when you hike by some major boulders next to map boards showing the trails around the main granite rock.  

Once you connect from Summit Trail to Echo Canyon Trail, you are looking at about half a mile hike through rocky terrain until you hit a junction for your next section.  

Base Trail .7 miles 

After leaving the Echo Canyon Trail, you will connect to the Base Trail, which will circle the main granite rock in the park’s center.  

This part of the loop is rather nice, with flat terrain and not many trees to block the amazing view of the sky-high massive rock.  

Turkey Pass Trail .7 miles 

This connection is a bit hard to find, depending on how much construction is on the trail when you visit. During our time in the park, we ran into many blocked areas due to trail restoration projects that blocked access to some of the far loops.  

This part of the trail reinforced why we push everyone to have a plan and carry a map on these trails at all times. We ran into a couple who seemed to have been out here quite some time and could not figure out how to get back to the main trailhead.  

We were able to direct them the right way and pretty much told them to follow us on the way out.  

Frontside Trail .3 miles 

The final push of the loop around Enchanted Rock is the Frontside Trail which at .3 miles is just a quick connection back to the Summit Trail and on your way home! 

Enchanted Rock Epic Loop 

This loop of Enchanted Rock is our recommendation for any first-time visitors to the park and for anyone who wants to see the highlights of the park in one visit.  

This loop offers a nice variety and scenic views that no single trail in the park will offer. Our next visit to the park will definitely include the entire Loop Trail, which is around 4.6 miles and goes around the entire edge of the park. This trail really intrigued us, but due to time constraints chose to skip it.  

The mileage of this Epic Loop will vary for everyone who does it but should not stray over 5 miles unless you encounter some major closed trails along the way.  

Enchanted Rock State Park

We hope you enjoy your time at Enchanted Rock State Park, and let us know which trail you picked! 

If you want to learn more about Enchanted Rock and how we planned our trip, check out our Guide to Enchanted Rock.

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16 Responses

  1. What a great name for a trail, it would pique my interest! Sometimes the best trails are the short ones but offer epic views and this is definitely what Enchanted Rock trail seems check off both those boxes.

  2. Lovely pictures and hiking trails. They look not too hard, as I would hate scrambling. Can you do most trails in one day? How long does each take? Or would you have to come back another time to finish the route?

    Carolin | Solo Travel Story

    1. We think one day is enough at Enchanted Rock, definitely at least half a day so around 4 hours to truly see and do everything.

  3. Lots of details here on the hike which I would need to follow it. The pics look lovely and you clearly had good weather to do this trail.
    I did wonder how it got the name of Enchated Rock – maybe because of the enchating views?!

  4. So many trail options, and live that you’ve put them together for your own loop trail. I can see why this is one of your new favorites. Kind of interested to know why one of the trails is named Turkey Pass though

    1. We think it has to do with wild turkeys in the area but honestly not sure!

      Definitely a ton of trails to do!

  5. I love loop hikes since you don’t see the same thing twice. This looks awesome though because there’s such a variety of landscaping throughout. Very cool!

  6. It’s always awesome when you can connect to so many different trails and loop around to truly see everything. This loop trials sure seems to have it all!

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